Dunja Sharbat Dar
Research Associate & PhD StudentResearch Associate & PhD Student
Office Hours
Please contact me via mail.
Areas of Research
- Religion in Japan
- Coping and socio-religious transformational processes after catastrophe / disaster studies (3.11 / Fukushima in Tohoku, Japan)
- Religion and space
- Sacred architecture in the urban environment (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) in transformation
- Religious discourses on sexuality / queer studies
- Religion in popular culture
- since 2020 – PhD project, working title:
»Religious Space and the Invisible – understanding socio-spatial arrangements in Japanese churches«
- 2019 – M.A. – Study of Religion (RUB)
- 2017 – B.A. – Study of Religion & Japanese Studies (RUB & Fukushima University / 福島大学)
WS 2021/2022:
MA-Seminar: Resonating Religion: About the Intersection of Music and Religion
BA/MA-Seminar: Religion im gegenwärtigen Japan (Religion in contemporary Japan)
SoSe 2021:
BA/MA-Seminar: From Jedi Knights, Monster Hunting Cowgirls and a Teenage Witch – Religion in der Populärkultur
Team-Teaching with Anna Kira Hippert
Further Academic Contributions
- since 2021/01: Co-organisation & co-management of the academic blog |Marginalien:
Religionswissenschaftliche Randnotizen (|Marginalia – Side Notes from the Study of Religions) - 2022/02 – 2024/03: Co-organisation & co-management of the project “Mapping Religionswissenschaft”, funded by German Association for the Study of Religion (DVRW), that aims at creating a network of scholars of religion in German speaking countries
- 2024/05/12: Presentation ‘Japan für Jesus erreichen’ – Eine Analyse der gegenwärtigen Aktivitäten und Strategien evangelikaler Mission in Japan (‘Reaching Japan for Jesus’ – An analysis of the contemporary activities and strategies of evangelical mission in Japan) at the AJR jubilee conference 2024: Religionen in Japan: regional – national – global of the Arbeitskreis Japanische Religionen (AJR) in Tübingen, Germany
- 2024/01/27: Presentation After 3.11: The Transformation of a Christian Church at the symposium Religious and Theological Responses to Environmental Disasters in Asian History (2024/01/27-28) at Waseda Institute for Advanced Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2023/10/31: Presentation In der Gegenwart Gottes: Atmosphären japanischer und deutscher Kirchenräume im Vergleich (In God’s presence: Comparing atmospheres of Japanese and German churches) at the Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Religion und Raum in Bremen, Germany
- 2023/10/19: Co-Organisation of the GSMR-Workshop Writing Successful Research Grants! of the CRC 1475 at CERES, RUB
- 2023/09/27: Co-Organisation of the roundtable Nuclear Presence and Thermonuclear Threats: Religious Transformations in the Atomic Age at the XXXV. Conference of the DVRW 2023: Under Construction – Religion als Praxis und Prozess (2023/09/25–28) in Bayreuth, Germany
- 2023/09/26: Presentation Not your typical Japanese church: The role of atmosphere in religious identity processes of an Evangelical church in Japan at the XXXV. Conference of the DVRW 2023: Under Construction – Religion als Praxis und Prozess (2023/09/25–28) in Bayreuth, Germany
- 2023/06/01: Presentation The Diversity of Japanese Churches: Examining Differences and Similarities in their Socio-Spatial Arrangementsat DIJ Social Science Study Group of the German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo, Japan
- 2022/07/28: Presentation 「雰囲気」の比較研究」 (Comparative Research of Atmosphere) at Rikkyō University in Tokyo, Japan
- 2023/05/06: Presentation Da liegt etwas in der Luft: Über Atmosphäre in japanischen Kirchenräumen (There is something in the air: about atmosphere in Japanese churches) at the AJR-Symposium 2023: Religiöse Räume in Japan of the Arbeitskreis Japanische Religionen (AJR) online
- 2022/05/20: Presentation Transzendente Figuren? Über Transzendenz in Miyazakis Fantastischen Welten und Charakteren (Transcendent Figures? About Transcendence in Miyazaki’s Fantastic Worlds and Characters) at the International Symposion of the Inklings-Gesellschaft e.V. – Religion, Faith and the Fantastic at CERES, RUB
- 2022/05/20–22: Co-Organisation of the International Symposion of the Inklings-Gesellschaft e.V. – Religion, Faith and the Fantastic at CERES, RUB
- 2021/10/14–15: Co-Organisation & Presentation Verlust, Gewinn, Kompromiss? Soziale Prozesse räumlicher Transformationen von Synagogen- und Kirchengemeinden in Deutschland (Loss, Gain, Compromise? Social processes of spacial transformations of synagogue and church congregations in Germany) at the final conference of our project “Transformation of Sacredness” in Dortmund, Germany
- 2021/09/13–16: Presentation Religious Atmosphere in Japan at the online conference “Religion in Relation” of the German Association for the Study of Religion (DVRW)
- 2021/07/08–10: Presentation Macht & Ohnmacht. Kirchenumnutzungen und ihre Entscheidungsprozesse im Raum Aachen (Power & Powerlessness. About the process of decision making when repurposing churches in Aachen, Germany) at the online conference “Kirche im Wandel” by the TRANSARA project
- 2021/06: Contribution to the German children’s book Wie die Sterne an den Himmel kamen”(How the stars reached the sky) about the Japanese foundation myth (KHK/CERES, RUB)
- 2020/11/21: Presentation Religious Atmosphere in Japanese Christian Space at the online VSJF conference for the focus group sociology and social anthropology
- 2019/11/01–02: Presentation Recreating Communal Ties: Shinto and Christian Communities in Fukushima after 3.11 at the workshop Current status of Japanese Studies in Europe: from the point of view of the young researchers of social sciences of the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace (CEEJA), Kientzheim (France) — fully financed by CEEJA, Nichibunken & Hosei University (Japan)
- 2019/10/29: Presentation Feldforschung in Japan (Fieldwork in Japan), International Evening at CERES, RUB
- 2019/06/09: Presentation Pray for Japan — Religion in Zeiten von Erdbeben, Tsunami und atomarem Meltdown (Pray for Japan —Religion in times of earthquakes, tsunami and a nuclear meltdown), “Japanese Studies” panel at Connichi in Kassel — fully financed by Animexx e.V.
Research Associate of Center for Religious Studies and RelSAT
Associated Researcher of CRC 1475 „Metaphors of Religion“
Associate Lecturer of CERES Teaching
PhD Student of Center for Religious Studies and CERES Early Career Researchers' Program