Elwert, Frederik, Markus Müller, and Martin Prell. 2024. ‘Europäische Religionsgeschichte der Neuzeit’. In Clio-Guide, edited by Silvia Daniel, Wilfried Enderle, Rüdiger Hohls, Thomas Meyer, Jens Prellwitz, Claudia Prinz, Annette Schuhmann, and Silke Schwandt, 3., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. Berlin: Clio-online. https://doi.org/10.60693/hx7v-he22.
Reimann, Sebastian, Lina Rodenhausen, Frederik Elwert, and Tatjana Scheffler. 2024. ‘By a Thread: Encoding Online Forum Data in TEI’. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 17 (May). https://doi.org/10.4000/1209k.


Elwert, Frederik, Giulia Evolvi, Anna Neumaier, and Kim de Wildt. 2023. ‘🙏: Emoji and Religion in the Twitter Discourses on the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire’. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture 11 (2): 198–226. https://doi.org/10.1163/21659214-bja10071.
Gebhard, Henning, Vandana Jha, Philipp Tögel, Stefanie Dipper, Frederik Elwert, and Danah Tonne. 2023. ‘Metaphors of Religion: Towards a Shared Infrastructure for Metaphor Analysis’. Poster Abstract. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7715933.
Krech, Volkhard, Tim Karis, and Frederik Elwert. 2023. Metaphors of Religion: A Conceptual Framework (version Publisher’s Version). Discussion. Metaphor Papers 1. https://doi.org/10.46586/mp.282.


Amato, Antonio, Frederik Elwert, and Jessie Pons. 2022. ‘Digitization of Gandharan Artefacts: A Digitization Concept’. https://doi.org/10.46586/rub.204.
Autiero, Serena, Frederik Elwert, Cristiano Moscatelli, and Jessie Pons. 2022. ‘The Seven Steps: Building the DiGA Thesaurus’. Meeting Abstract. In Digital Humanities 2022 Conference Abstracts, 422423. Tokyo: DH2022 Local Organizing Committee. https://dh2022.dhii.asia/dh2022bookofabsts.pdf.
Elwert, Frederik. 2022. ‘Computational Text Analysis’. In The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion (2nd Edition), 164179.
Elwert, Frederik, and Jessie Pons. 2022. ‘Brücken bauen für Buddha: das Projekt “Digitalisierung Gandharischer Artefakte” (DiGA) und die Pelagios Working Group “Linked Data Methodologies in Gandharan Buddhist Art and Texts”’. Poster Abstract. In DHd2022: Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses, edited by Michaela Geierhos, 267–68. Potsdam: s. n. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6327971.


Elwert, Frederik. 2021. ‘Network Analysis of Religious Texts: Case Studies on Ancient Egyptian and Indian Religion’. In Digital Humanities and Research Methods Ins Religious Studies, edited by Christopher D. Cantwell and Kristian Petersen, 2:53–69. Berlin: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110573022-004.


Elwert, Frederik. 2020a. ‘Social and Semantic Network Analysis in the Study of Religions’. In The Power of Networks, edited by Florian Kerschbaumer, Linde von Keyserlingk, Martin Stark, and Marten Düring, 172–86. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
———. 2020b. ‘Digital Humanities – Disziplinen in Konkurrenz oder Kooperation?’ https://belter.hypotheses.org/80.
Elwert, Frederik, and Jessie Pons. 2020. ‘Linked Data Methodologies in Gandhāran Buddhist Art and Texts: Pelagios Working Group Final Report’. https://doi.org/10.13154/rub.148.125.


Amato, Antonio, Frederik Elwert, and Jessie Pons. 2018. ‘Erstellung eines Digitalisierungskonzeptes: Gandhararische Artefakte: Abschlussbericht’. Förderkennzeichen 01UG1649X. https://doi.org/10.2314/gbv:1025141458.
Pfahler, Lukas, Frederik Elwert, Samira Tabti, Katharina Morik, and Volkhard Krech. 2018. ‘What do you do with 5 million posts?: Versuche zum distant reading religiöser Online-Foren’. In DHd2018, edited by Georg Vogeler, 335–38. Hamburg: Digital Humanities im deutsprachigen Raum e.V. https://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/8085/1/boa-DHd2018-.pdf.


Elwert, Frederik, and Simone Gerhards. 2017. ‘Tracing Concepts: Semantic Network Analysis as a Heuristic Device for Classification’. In Classification from Antiquity to Modern Times, edited by Walter Bisang and Tanja Pommerening, 311–37. De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110538779-012.
Elwert, Frederik, Simone Gerhards, and Sven Sellmer. 2017. ‘Gods, Graves and Graphs - Social and Semantic Network Analysis Based on Ancient Egyptian and Indian Corpora’. Digital Classics Online 3 (2): 124–37. https://doi.org/10.11588/dco.2017.0.36017.
Elwert, Frederik, and Sven Sellmer. 2017. ‘Modeling Structure and Content: Socio-Semantic Network Analysis of the Mahābhārata’. Leonardo 50 (5): 501. https://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_01277.
Pfahler, Lukas, Katharina Morik, Frederik Elwert, Samira Tabti, and Volkhard Krech. 2017. ‘Learning Low-Rank Document Embeddings with Weighted Nuclear Norm Regularization’. In The 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, 21–29. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Computer Society Press. https://doi.org/10.1109/dsaa.2017.46.


Elwert, Frederik. 2016. ‘Network Analysis between Distant Reading and Close Reading’. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age, edited by Lars Wieneke, Catherine Jones, Marten During, Florentina Armaselu, and René Leboutte. Vol. 1681. Aachen: RWTH. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1681/Elwert_Network_analysis.pdf.


Elwert, Frederik. 2015. ‘Open Data, Open Standards and Open Source: Field Notes from the SeNeReKo Project’. Omega Alpha | Open Access 2015 (May). https://oaopenaccess.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/open-data-open-standards-and-open-source-field-notes-from-the-senereko-project/.
Elwert, Frederik, Sven Sellmer, Sven Wortmann, Manuel Pachurka, Jürgen Knauth, and David Alfter. 2015. ‘Toiling with the Pāli Canon’. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpus-Based Research in the Humanities, edited by Francesco Mambrini, Marco Passarotti, and Caroline Sporleder, 39–48. Warschau: Institute of Computer Science, Polish Acad.emy of Sciences.


Hofmann, Beate, and Frederik Elwert. 2014. ‘Heka und Maat: Netzwerkanalyse als Instrument ägyptologischer Bedeutungsanalyse’. In ‘Vom Leben umfangen’, edited by Stefan Jakob Wimmer and Georg Gafus, 80:235–45. Münster: Ugarit.
Knauth, Jürgen, and David Alfter. 2014. ‘A Dictionary Data Processing Environment and Its Application in Algorithmic Processing of Pali Dictionary Data for Future NLP Tasks’. In COLING 2014, edited by Christian Boitet and M.G. Abbas Malik, 65–73. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W14-5509.